Dutchman Manufacturing Company, LLC

Our Team

Our Team

At DMC, we proudly point out that every associate is one of our most precious resources. Although the manufacturing technology we utilize is amazing and computers/systems control the majority of what we do, the heartbeat of the company will always be its people.


We invest heavily in on-the-job training, and supplement the development path with online, secondary education and professional development resources. As the person learns more about our day to day activities, they focus on learning specific jobs and master these tasks to perfection before advancing.


We do not pigeonhole anyone, nor assign titles or segregate work by departments as each person is expected to do what is needed to help keep the operation flowing smoothly. Regardless of their background, all associates are hired based upon their integrity, work ethic and passion for excellence as all are allowed to progress to the most senior level positions.

Moreover, each person takes part in our internal ISO-9001 auditing activities in order to fully understand why we do what we do and how each system relies upon each other to be successful.


After achieving their auditing certification and mastering the initial requirements, they, in turn, lead subsequent audits in order to demonstrate assimilation of these standards and procedures.


Eventually they participate in our external audits and develop the necessary skills to do each and every job right. From cleaning and preventative maintenance to tending and/or setting up machines each step is monitored and taught by a qualified employee who oversees their development.

In time, all associates are put on a career path that enables them to become senior machinists, capable of setting up any job, completing any supporting function and can operate independently.